

  • 汪福祥,蔡坚著 著
  • 出版社: 北京市:外文出版社
  • ISBN:7119025481
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:374页
  • 文件大小:70MB
  • 文件页数:402页
  • 主题词:


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one s brain child 某人的主意,某人想出来的1

have a chip on one s shoulder 叫阵,叫板2

clam up 守口如瓶,拒不开口,沉默不语3

take someone to the cleaners 使人囊中如洗,一贫如洗4

a cliff-hanger 扣人心弦的事情5

fight the clock 争分夺秒,与时间赛跑6

a clotheshorse 讲究穿戴的人7

get hot under the collar发怒,怒气冲天8

come thrugh with flying col-ors 干得出色,大获成功9

show(reveal)one s true col-ors 露出真实面目,原形毕露10

come up with 找出,想出,弄出,提出11

jump to conclusions 仓促地下结论12

to one s hearl s content 心满意足13

lose one s cool 沉不住气14

play it cool 不露声色,沉着冷静15

be rotten to the core 坏透了,烂透了16

cut corners 偷工减料,走捷径,图省事,节约17

have a crush on someone 迷恋上某人18

be a far cry from...与……相差甚远19

chew the cud 好好琢磨琢磨20

be cut out for...天生适合于……21

be completely in the dark 一无所知,仍蒙在鼓里22

a blind date 初次约会23

have seen better days 今非昔比24

be out of one s depth 力所不及25

give someone a dose of his own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身26

a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟27

play dumb with someone 装聋作哑28

be down in the dumps 垂头丧气的,神情沮丧的29

make the dust fly 干得很起劲30

go easy on ...酌情处理……;节约使用……;对……手下留情31

egg someone on to do some-thing 怂恿,鼓动某人干某事32

rub elbows with someone 和某人没有很深的交情33

be at the end of one s tether 山穷水尽34

be at one s wits end 不知如何是好35

be at loose ends 心里没有着落36

make both ends meet 收支平衡37

be green with envy 羡慕极了38

be of the essence 绝对不可少的,关键的39

a poor apology for...蹩脚货,名不符实40

make an exhibition of oneself 出洋相41

keep an eye open 密切注视42

see eye to eye with...与……意见一致43

turn a blind eye to...装作没看见……44

feast one s eyes on...观赏……,一饱眼福45

have a face that would stope a clock 奇丑无比46

keep a straight face 板着脸47

be fed up with...对……烦透了48

fall for...迷恋上……49

be riding for a fall 自讨苦吃50

play fast and loose with...敷衍了事,不正经干51

play favorites with...对……有偏心眼52

put out a feeler to do...试探……的反应53

be dead on one s feet 精疲力尽54

land on one s feet 安全摆脱困境55

stand on one s feet 自食其力56

sit on the fence 保持中立57

play the field 不正经干58

burn one s fingers 因管闲事而吃苦头59

have sticky fingers 手不老实60

keep one s fingers crossed 祈求成功61

let something slip through one s fingers 眼睁睁地看着……跑掉62

build a fire under someone 紧催促某人……63

have other fish to fry 有其它要紧事情做64

a flash in the pan 昙花一现65

a fly in the ointment 美中不足66

be nobody s fool 不傻;精明67

get off on the right foot 开门红68

put one s foot down 气愤地表示反对69

play footsy with...与……调情70

marry a fortune 嫁给了有钱的人71

as slv as a fox 非常狡滑72

a dime a dozen 数不清,不稀罕73

make free with...擅自使用……74

a freeloader 白吃白喝,爱占便宜的人75

a fair-weather friend 不能同患难的朋友76

get stage fright 怯场77

add fuel to the flames 火上浇油78

have a barrel of fun 极开心79

make fun of someone 取笑某人80

play to the gallery 哗众取宠,收买人心81

gang up on someone 结伙对付某人82

be in high gear 全力进行83

get away with...逃脱惩罚84

have the gimmies 患伸手病85

give as good as one gets 不服输,不示弱86

fit like a glove 恰到好处,非常合适87

handle ...with kid gloves 小心,谨慎对待……88

get someone s 使人恼怒,惹人生气89

for good 永远地90

be too good to be true 好得令人难以相信91

have the goods on someone 有某人犯罪的证据92

goof off 偷懒耍滑93

through the grapevine 道听途说94

The grass is always greener on the other hill 这山望着那山高95

use elbow grease 费很大的劲头96

get the green light 得到批准97

grin and bear it 一笑忍之98

catch someone off guard 乘虚而入99

hate somebody s guts 眼之入骨100

kick the habit 戒除恶习101

get in somebody s hair 惹恼某人102

let one s hair down 无拘无束103

without turning a hair 保持冷静的态度,不动声色104

a half-wit 弱智者105

bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报106

gain the upper hand 占上风107

have someone eating out of one s hand 使人完全服从某人的摆布108

live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口109

overplay one s hand 做得过火了110

tip one s hand 无意中亮底111

try one s hand at ...试着干……112

fly off the handle 大发雷霆113

play into someone s hand 正中某人下怀114

wash one s hands off some-thing 洗手不再干某事115

get the hang of something 掌握某事的窍门116

go haywire 乱了套117

bury one s head in the sand 逃避现实118

make neither head nor tail of...对……摸不着头脑119

have one s head in the clouds 满脑子幻想120

turn one s head 使某人自满121

have one s heart set on...一心想要……122

one s heart in one s mouthe 吓得要命123

not have the heart to do some-thing 不忍心去做124

take something to heart 往心里去/认真接受意见等125

be in the seventh heaven 高兴极了126

move heaven and earth 想尽一切办法127

cool one s heels 等得双脚发凉,久等128

take to one s heels 逃走,踮丫子129

shoot from the hip 信口开河130

by hook or by crook 千方百计地,不择手段地131

blow hot and cold 出尔反尔,喜怒无常132

make it hot for...刁难某人133

have the hots for someone 迷恋上某人134

bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩135

be over the hump 已渡过难关136

have a hunch that...预感到……137

be hunky-dory 挺不错的138

skate on thin ice 如履薄冰,冒风险139

toy with the idea of...心里盘算要……140

No ifs,ands and buts 不要找任何的理由,借口141

give someone an inch and he ll take a mile 得寸进尺142

have many irons in the fire 同时有很多要紧的事情要做143

be in a jam 陷入困境144

jaywalk 横穿马路145

in a jiffy 不大一会儿146

have(a case of)the jitters 忐忑不安147

keep up with the Joneses 与别人比阔148

get a kick out of doing some-thing 从……得到很大的乐趣149

take dindly to something/someone 愿意接受150

kill someone with kindness 好得让人受不了151

parade one s knowledge 卖弄学问152

be at large 逍遥法外153

rest on one s laurels 固步自封,吃老本儿154

turn over a new leaf 洗新革面155

have a hollow leg (喝酒)海量156

pull soneone s leg 开某人的玩笑157

keep someone at arm s length 与某人保持距离158

let someone down 使某人失望159

can t for the life of one 怎么……也不行160

air one s linen in public 家丑外扬161

keep a stiff upper lip 意志坚定,坚强不屈162

be at loggerheads with...和……顶牛163

a born loser 废物点心164

louse up something 把某事搞得一团糟165

not do ... for love or money 死也不会……166

feel a lump in one s throat 心里感到很难受167

make do with ...用……凑合168

the man in the street 普通的人169

be one s own man 不受他人支配,自己管自己170

steal a march on someone 抢在他人前面,暗渡陈仓171

meat and drink 精神寄托172

be at the mercy of 受……所支配173

blow someone s mind 把某人搞得晕晕乎乎174

have a good mind to do something 很想去干某事175

have a one-track mind 死脑筋,一根筋176

mind one s own affairs 少管闲事177

wejgh on someone s mind 心事重重178

be of two minds 拿不定主意179

have money to burn 有花不完的钱180

once in blue moon 千载难逢181

be down in the mouth 垂头丧气182

keep mum about something 对某事保持沉默,不吭声183

face the music 承担后果,甘受责备184

hit the nail on the heand 说到点子上185

call someone names 辱骂某人186

be neck and neck 不分上下187

get up the nerve to ...鼓起勇气去……188

get on someone s nerves 使某人心烦189

a nobody 无名之辈190

lead someone around by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子走191

poke one s nose into some-thing 乱打听别人的私事192

be a notch above someone 略胜一筹193

sit up and take notice of something/someone 对……刮目相看194

have someone s number 知道某人的底细195

be quick to take offnse 特别爱生气196

have one too many 喝多了197

be on the outs with someone 与……失和198

a pain in the neck 使人讨厌的事情199

grease someone s palm 向某人手里塞钱,贿赂200

get peanuts 微不足道的钱201

cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴,明珠暗投202

feel like a square peg in a round hole 感到格格不入,不适合203

pinch pennies 节俭204

rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙,补西墙205

be no picnic 不是件轻松的事206

sugar the pill 给点儿甜头安慰一下207

be on pins and needles 坐立不安208

put that in your pipe and smoke it 你好好考虑考虑吧209

play up to someone 拍某人的马屁210

take the plunge 踌躇一段时间之后断然决定去干事211

play possum 装死212

drop something like a hot po-tato 赶紧抛弃,放弃213

sing someone s praises 颂扬某人214

be past praying for 不可救药215

be sitting pretty 享受安乐生活216

pocket one s pride 放下架子217

put someone up to ...唆使某人去……218

pop the question 求婚219

call it quits 作罢220

chew the rag 闲聊221

fly into a rage 大发雷霆222

break ranks with someone 与……分道扬镳223

smell a rat 察觉可疑224

beat a hasty retreat 急忙撤退225

take someone for a ride 欺骗某人,玩弄某人的感情226

rip someone off 敲某人的竹杠227

be on the rocks 陷入困境;完蛋228

rub it in 哪壶不开提哪壶229

give someone the runaround 敷衍搪塞230

be in a rut 千篇一律,一筹莫展231

play it safe 小心谨慎232

safe and sound 安全无事233

the salt of the earth 好心肠的人,没有坏心眼的人234

take something with a grain of salt 听话打折扣,不能轻信235

tip the scales 扭转局势236

throw someone off the scent 转移某人的视线237

start from scratch 从零开始,白手起家238

talk sense into someone 开导某人239

an open sesame 法宝,秘诀;关键240

the lion s share 最大的一份,绝大部分241

the black sheep of the family 有辱门楣的人242

take a shine to someone 一见就中意243

give someone the shirt off one s back 为某人慷慨解囊,毫不吝啬地接济某人244

lose one s shirt 输得精光245

know where the shoe pinches 知道问题所在246

a shot in the dark 瞎猜247

give someone the cold shoul-der 冷待某人248

steal the show 喧宾夺主,偷戏249

side with someone 与某人站在一起,支持某人250

have a memory like a sieve 记性太差251

out of a clear blue sky 意想不到252

make a slip of the tongue 说走嘴253

be on the sly 办事狡猾254

for a song 以极低的价钱,廉价地255

sound someone out 试探某人的意见256

call a spade a spade 有什么就说什么257

spick and span 干干净净258

go for a spin 出去兜风259

spine -chilling 令人毛骨悚然260

The spirit is willing,but the flesh is weak 心有余而力不足261

win one s spurs 受到赏识262

put the squeeze on someone 对某人施加压力263

stand up to someone 与某人大胆对抗264

thank one s lucky stars 感到万幸265

get off to a flying start 来了个开门红266

go steady with someone 与异性稳步发展关系267

watch one s step 当心268

a stick-in-the-mud 老古董269

be a stickler 吹毛求疵的人270

turn someone s stomach 令人作呕271

fall between two stools 鸡飞蛋打272

weather the storm 渡过难关273

harp on the same old string 老调重弹274

have someone dancing on a string 任意摆布某人275

pull strings for someone 为某人走后门,幕后操纵276

be stuck on someone 迷恋上某人277

to sweet-talk someone into(out of) doing...甜言蜜语地让某人做(不做)……278

be in full swing 达到高潮,全面展开279

be asleep at the swithc 玩忽职守280

suit...to a T对……再合适不过了281

turn the tables 扭转局势282

drink someone under the table 把某人灌醉283

keep tabs on something/someone掌握情况,密切注视284

keep someone down a notch 挫某人的傲气285

take it out on someone 拿别人出气286

an old wives s tale 无稽之谈287

be the talk of the town 满城风雨288

leave a bad taste in some-one s mouth 给人留下不好的印象289

crocodile tears 假惺惺的眼泪290

lose one s temper 发脾气,动肝火291

throngh thick and thin 有甘也有苦292

have another think coming 大错特错293

thin-skinned 神经过敏294

jump down someone s throat 严厉训斥某人,让某人受不了295

sitck out like a sore thumbt 特别扎眼296

be all thumbs 笨手笨脚297

turn thumbs down on ...不赞成……,反对……298

twiddle one s thumbs 无所事事299

beat someone s time with someone 勾引别人的女朋友300

on the tip of someone s tongue 就在嘴边上301

hold one s tongue 保持沉默302

keep a civil tongue in one s head 说话有礼貌303

blow one s top 勃然大怒304

carry a torch for someone 单方想念某人305

have the Midas touch 有生财的运气;手气好306

be touch and go 万分危险307

throw in the towel 认输308

have the inside track for something 处于有利的地位309

keep track of something/someone 掌握……的情况310

be on a gravy train 走运,有赚钱的机会311

have a mind like a steel trap 头脑特别快312

bark up the wrong tree 弄错目标313

be too uqick on the trigger 操之过急,行动过于仓促314

ask for trouble 自我麻烦315

blow one s own rtumpet 自吹自擂316

not give someone a tumble 不理睬某人317

talk turkey 打开天窗说亮话318

not say uncle 拒不认错,不服输319

take a dim view of...对……抱悲观态度;不赞同……320

walk all over someone 任意欺侮某人321

drive someone to the wall 把某人逼得走投无路322

drive someone up the wall 把某人搞得心烦意乱323

be in hot water 陷入困境324

like water off a duck s back 满不在乎,不起作用325

meet one s Waterloo 惨败326

fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼327

make waves 兴风作浪328

have a way with something/someone 有应付……的办法329

pave the way for...为……铺平道路330

cut both ways 互有利弊331

feel under the weather 身体不适332

blow the whistle 警告;禁止333

bleed someone white 榨干血汗334

get wind of something 得到风声335

take someone under one s wing 庇护某人336

can t see the woods for the trees 见树不见林337

pull the wool over someone s eyes 蒙骗某人338

not breathe a word 不吐露一个字340

put in a good word for...为……说句好话340

not get a word in edgeways 插不上话341

eat one s words 收回自己的话342

have words with...与……吵嘴343

have the world before one 前途远大344

put in an appearance 露个面345

sharpen one s appetite 开胃,吊胃口346

the apple of someone s eye 某人的掌上明珠347

an apple polisher 马屁精,阿谀奉承者348

a piece of cake 易如反掌,小菜一碟349

upset someone s apple-cart 破坏某人的计划349

a poor apology for 有名无实350

cool someone s ardor 使某人的心凉半截351

twist someone s arm 对某人采取强制手段352

be up in arms 满腔怒火353

dance attendance on ...对……大献殷勤354

a rude awakening 如梦初醒355

have an axe to grind 心怀叵测356

like a babe in the woods 盲然不知所从,一无所知357

behind someone s back 在某人的背后358

have one s back to the wall 进退维谷359

know ... like the back of one s hand 对……了如指掌360

stab someone in the back 背后捅刀子361

turn one s back on someone 不理睬某人362

turn one s back on something 放弃某事363

go from bad to worse 越来越坏364

bail someone out 把某人从困境中解救出来365

climb on the bandwagon 赶浪头,倒向哪一边366

the bane of one s existence 讨债鬼367

one s bark is worse than his bite 刀子嘴,豆腐心368

scrape the bottom of the bar-rel 讨些剩饭吃369

be half the battle 等于胜了一半370

keep somebody at bay 不让对方靠近,牵制住某人371

be off the beam 走歪门斜道,步入歧途372

a bean pole 细高个儿373

get one s bearings 知道自己的方位374

no bed of roses 生活不轻松375

have a bee in one s bonnet 鬼迷心窍376

beef 发牢骚377

make a beeline for ...朝着……一直走下去378

Beggars can t be choosers. 讨饭者不能挑肥拣瘦379

bellyche 满腹牢骚380

hit below the belt 卑鄙,暗箭中伤381

tighten one s belt 勒紧裤带382

give someone a wide berth 回避,敬而远之383

bill and coo 谈情说爱384

fill the bill 凑合385

foot the bill 付款386

A bird hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手387

The early bird catches the worm.捷足先登388

eat like a bird 饭量很小389

the birds and the bees 性知识390

be for the birds 极其无聊,欲不可耐391

bite off more than one can chew 力不从心392

in black and white 白纸黑字393

draw a blank 落空394

a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人或物395

a blessing in disguise 因祸得福396

be on the blink 发生故障397

bad blood 消除不掉的恶感398

get in one s blood 上瘾399

make someone s blood boil 使人大为恼火400

make someone s blood run cold 令人毛骨悚然401

a late bloomer 大器晚成402

blow something 使某事化为泡影403

sing the blues 心情低落404

be in the same boat 处境相同405

miss the boat on 坐失良机406

a bolt form the blue 晴天霹雳407

a bone of contention 急吵的原因408

have a bone to pick with someone 对……有意见409

make no bones about 对……满不在乎410

be one for the books 简直是太……了411

lick someone s boots 拍某人的马屁412

bore someone to death 使某人烦得要死413

bow and scrape 点头哈腰414

be nothing to brag about 没什么了不起415

one s bread and butter 饭碗416

make a clean breast of...坦白交待……,全盘托出417

save one s breath 保持沉默418

waste one s breath 浪费口舌419

shoot the breeze 闲聊420

burn one s bridges behind one 背水一战421

be as broad as it is long 背着抱着一样沉422

go for broke 豁出去423

give someone the brush off 把某人打发走424

buckle down 鼓足干劲425

bite the bullet 下定决心;咬紧牙关426

a country pumpkin 乡巴佬427

give someone goose bumps 让某人起鸡皮疙瘩428

beat around the bush 说话兜圈子429

do a land-office business 生意大为兴隆430

mean business 动真格的,正经地431

mind one s own business 少管闲事432

butter someone up 巴结某人433

have butterflies in one s stom-ach 忐忑不安434

a social butterfly 交际花435

push the paic button 惊慌失措436

give somebody a buzz 给某人挂个电话437

raise Cain 大吵大闹438

sell like hot cakes 卖得很快440

You can t eat your cake and have it.两者不可兼得441

can t hold a candle to some-one 不能跟某人比442

go paddle one s own canoe 不管他人瓦上霜443

have one s cap set for some-one 追求男人444

have the cards stacked against someone 处于不利状况445

lay one s cards on the table 打开天窗说亮话446

play one s cards close to the chest 竭力不动声色447

have a card up one s sleeve 胸中有数,胸有成竹448

call someone on the carpet 严厉批评、指责某人449

the cat has someone s tongue 舌头不好使450

let the cat out of the bag 泄密451

throw caution to the winds 不顾一切452

be itching for a chance to do...很想找个机会试一试……453

an outside chance 一线希望454

have a change of heart 改变心情455

a wild-goose chase 徒劳的追求,白跑腿456

chicke out 由于胆怯而收兵457

count one s chicken before they are hatched 如意算盘打得太早,高兴得太早458

a chow-hound 嘴馋的人,馋猫459

be on cloud nine 高兴得飘飘然460

be in the clover 生活富裕,过得舒服461

weigh on someone s con-science 某人良心不安462

Too many cooks splil the broth.厨师太多烧坏汤463

keep one s own counsel 不露心计464

till the cows come home 直到猴年马月465

speak off the cuff 即席讲话466

be sb s cup of tea 爱好467

cut and run 抛开一切逃跑468

give somebody a dressing down 严厉训斥469

a drug on the market 滞销产品470

as dry as dust 枯燥无味471

Easier said than done.说时容易做时难472

take it easy 轻松地干473

an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙474

not bat an eye 泰然自若476

There is more to something than meets the eye.表面上看不出来476

One s eyes are bigger than one s stomach.眼大肚子477

feed one s face 吃饭478

till one is blue in the face 嘴唇都磨破了479

the fat is in the fire 为时已晚,欲罢不能480

play second liddle to some-one 给某人当二把手481

snap one s fingersat some-one 瞧不起某人482

play with fire 玩火483

drink like a fish 大喝,贪杯484

be neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类485

put one s foot in one s mouth 说话走了嘴486

give somebody the gate 让某人滚蛋487

as silent as the grave 非常寂静488

get out of hand 失去控制力489

have a hand in something 参与某事490

have one s hands full 忙得不可开交491

have something on one s hands 有待处理492

lie down on the job 在工作中偷懒493

go to someone s head 冲昏头脑494

give somedody a free hand to do something 给某人自由去处理某事495

be sick at heart 心里非常难受497

keep one s head above water 经济上过得去498

look high and low 到处都找遍了498

a white lie 没有恶意的谎言499

know the ropss 精通业务500
